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云水吟 - 古琴 / 龚一 箫 / 罗守诚

"Reminiscence" Gong Yi Guqin & Luo Shou-Cheng Flute

"Reminiscence" Gong Yi Guqin & Luo Shou-Cheng Flute

Regular price $15.00 USD
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"Reminiscence" - Guqin & Xiao by Gong Yi and Luo Shou-Cheng

雲水吟 - 古琴 / 龔一 簫 / 羅守誠

- Touching and expressive, the guqin and xiao together create an reminiscent atmosphere, in which the sounds of the guqin and xiao vibrate with each other and become one.

1. 寒山僧踪 Hanshan Temple

2. 大雄寶殿 The Jewelled Hall of Great Hero

3. 九華蒼松 The Green Pines on Jiuhua Mountain

4. 寶鼎讚 The Praise of Jewelled Tripod

5. 峨嵋佛光 The Buddha's Light at O Mei Mountain

6. 赤壁懷古 Reminiscence

7. 梵海雲僧 A Path Follows the Cloud

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